User Guide
Working with Profiles
The User Profile screen allows you to manage user profile settings. Expand a section for more information:

To view a user profile:
1. In the left menu, click Settings.
2. The User Profile screen displays the following:
- Image
- First name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Company
- Position
- Department
- Location

You can edit a user profile two ways:
1. Edit from the User ID:
a. Click the down arrow next to the user name.
b. Click Edit Profile.
c. On the User Profile screen, click Edit.
d. In the Edit Profile screen, make changes to any of the following:
- First Name: Type the first name.
- Last Name: Type the last name.
- Email: Type the email address.
- Phone: Type the telephone number.
- Position: Type the role in the organization.
- Department: Type the department name.
- Location: Type the location name.
e. Click Save Changes to save or Cancel to discard
2. Edit from the Settings menu:
a. In the left menu, click Settings
b. On the User Profile screen, click Edit.
c. In the Edit Profile screen, make changes to any of the following:
- First Name: Type the first name.
- Last Name: Type the last name.
- Email: Type the email address.
- Phone: Type the telephone number.
- Position: Type the role in the organization.
- Department: Type the department name.
- Location: Type the location name.
d. Click Save Changes to save or Cancel to discard.